Şarlotă ● EN
Makes 5
This is my Grandma’s recipe and I found it in a very old notebook. I tested it and translated it and, first of all, here are the ingredients that I used—
500ml milk
8 teaspoons sugar
vanilla extract
50ml water
20g cornstarch
2 egg whites
30g powdered sugar
250ml sour cream
It is a homemade şarlota [=a type of Romanian custard that we eat separately, as a pudding], which took me back to the walks around my grandparents’ village, stopping at the only sweet shop in the area to buy the inexpensive yellowish dessert that calmed my cravings for ’something sweet’.
How did I make it?
Mix the milk, sugar, and a little bit of vanilla extract in a pan; leave it for 5 minutes on low-medium heat and 15 minutes more on low heat, without stirring. Then, add the cornstarch dissolved in water and let the mix cool.
Separately, beat the egg whites with the powdered sugar until stiff and easily stir in the sour cream, using a wooden spoon. Pour this cream into the milk mix and split the final mix into 5 cups. Let these cups sit in the fridge overnight.
I served şarlota with whipped cream. What about you? J