Sweet soft cheese lemon cookies

by - 23:52

 Cookies with sweet soft cheese and lemon zest

32 cookies

550g sweet soft cheese

230g sugar

lemon zest from 2 organic lemons

2 eggs

1 drop of vanilla extract

½ sachet of baking powder

350g flour


+ flour for rolling the dough


I had lots of urdă (=Romanian sweet soft cheese that I love) /the closest equivalent is ricotta, but you can use any sweet soft cheese). And I also had my mother’s cookie recipe – which listed, however, butter.

So, I replaced butter with sweet soft cheese.


First, mix the sweet soft cheese with the sugar and the lemon zest and let the bowl sit in the fridge for 10 minutes.

Then, add the eggs, the vanilla extract, the baking powder, and the flour.

Knead until the dough absorbs all the flour and it isn’t soggy anymore. Then, transfer it from the bowl onto the baking mat.

The sweet soft cheese cookie dough

Divide it into 4 pieces and shape a 15-16cm-long roll from each piece of dough. Cut 2cm-thick slices from this roll of dough. Round the slices a bit and place them into 2 large baking pans.

Cut slices from the roll of dough

Bake the cookies for 10-11 minutes in the preheated oven, at 200°C.


They turned out wonderful. My Dad said that he ate 4 one after another. J  

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