Cherry preserves

by - 01:28

Cherry preserves

Ever since I can remember, my favourite preserves has been sour cherry preserves... made by my Dad. He gave me the recipe earlier this year and I ended up making some delicious cherry preserves. The good thing is that they resembled sour cherries a lot.

Do you want the recipe, too?


I used

800g cherries (without stones)

530g sugar

vanilla extract

juice from half a lemon


Remove the stones from the cherries (I used a metal straw to do that), wash the cherries and place them into a big pan.

Add the sugar and let it sit with the cherries for one hour. 

Add the sugar and let it sit with the cherries for one hour.

Then, add the vanilla extract and the lemon juice.

Let the mixture boil for 5 minutes on medium heat and then for 1 hour more on low heat.

Wash the jars. When the preserves is ready, pour a tablespoon of the hot preserves into each jar (I got 2 jars). 2-3 minutes later, fill the jars and lid them immediately.


You’ll get your summer memories back when it rains and it is cold and you are munching a toast with butter and cherry preserves!

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