Elderflower cordial
1l water
1kg sugar
4 organic lemons
25 elderflowers
Each June, Marcel and I have things on our list: ’We’ll go pick elderflowers... June can’t pass without us making syrup’. To honour our childhood summers, full of elderflower scent and spent in our grandparents’ home, we find a sunny afternoon and pick elderflowers (Marcel – more). He also recreates the childhood taste. How?
Separate the elderflowers from the stem.
Boil the water and the sugar until the latter melts. Let the mix cool.
Transfer it into a large jar, squeeze the lemons, and add the elderflowers.
Keep the jar in a cool space for 3 days.
How to serve? Pour 2 fingers of cordial in a glass; add still or bubbly water.
What will happen? You’ll get refreshed and overwhelmed by memories. J