Crème brûlée

by - 02:00

Crème brûlée

Makes 4


100g sugar -> to be caramelised


2 eggs

70g sugar

zest from a quarter of an organic lemon

a drop of vanilla extract

300ml milk


On many Sundays of my childhood, my Mom used to make crème brûlée (the Romanian version) in a baking pan that seemed too large in my eyes. The caramel syrup fascinated me every time.


I found the recipe and I adapted it to individual portions. It is easy to make.

Let the sugar caramelise on low-medium heat (for about 6-7 minutes) and then pour it immediately into the ramekins (be careful, it will be very hot!).

Pour the caramelised sugar into ramekins

While the caramel cools, mix the eggs, sugar, lemon zest, vanilla extract, and milk in a bowl. Pour the mixture over the caramel, place the ramekins into tall dishes filled with water (at about ¾ of the ramekins’ height) and then into the preheated oven, at 160°C, for 35 minutes.

Place the ramekins into tall dishes filled with water

Marcel and I couldn’t resist (even though crème brûlée should sit in the fridge for at least a few hours if not overnight) and savoured two warm crèmes brûlées. The other two will rest in the fridge and will be perfect for breakfast. The caramel will also set. J


P.S. The taste was similar to the taste of my Mom’s crème brûlée. ♥

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