Savarină ● EN

by - 00:07


What to do when you find a 35-40-year-old recipe? Bake it! The result is called ’savarină'; it’s a syrupy cake that Romanians love... and I got 9 fantastic ones!

I needed

4 eggs

125g sugar

125g breadcrumbs

for the batter


300ml water

115g sugar

30ml rum

for the syrup


500ml whipping cream

30g sugar

oil and flour -> moulds

jam -> for decoration

Beat the egg whites until stiff and add the sugar, bit by bit. Mix in the yolks and the breadcrumbs (they will go great with the syrup), stirring slowly with a wooden spoon. Pour the batter into the moulds (I used deeper mini-tart moulds) and bake in the preheated oven, at 150°C for 15 minutes.

Savarine - ready to bake

While the cakes are baking, make the syrup leaving the sugar dissolve on low heat. Then, pour in the rum (I used my favourite rum, an Indian one - Old Monk). While the cakes are still warm, dip them into the syrup and place them on a tray.

Dip the cakes (savarine) into the syrup

Cut them in half, spread jam onto the top of the upper half and sandwich the halves – use the cream whipped with the sugar.

Marcel cuts the cakes (savarine) in half while I take the picture

Marcel told me that these were the best cakes that I have ever baked. It moved me. J  

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