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Rogel ● EN
4 x mini Rogels
200ml sour
cream, 25% fat content
200g flour
200g dulce
de leche
Italian meringue
50g sugar
25ml water
1 egg white
a drop of
vanilla extract
One of the dearest souls to my heart is an
Argentinean girl called Nuria. Besides being really close friends (we met 9
years ago while staying at the same B&B – she was accompanied by her love,
Telemaco –and they have a lovely little girl now, called Allegra- and I was
accompanied by my Marcel), we have many things in common. One of our greatest
passions is the one for baking.
She quit her job as a lawyer and opened an
online bakery (she delivers her bakes and you can see them here –) and... while
drooling over her posts, I got acquainted with... Rogel. [I was obsessed with
Argentinean dulce de leche anyway.]
In January, we saw each other again in Argentina
and we had made some plans to bake together, but we wandered more. Heading
north, I tasted Rogel in Salta. It drove me crazy. So, I asked Nuria to give me
the recipe. She was very glad to allow me to share it with you, as well. She
also gifted me with dulce de leche –
even the version for pastry chefs (and we agreed that we loved Vacalin).
Slowly knead the two ingredients for the dough,
in order not to activate the gluten. When the dough is no longer sticky, leave
it in the fridge for 10 minutes (when pressed, the dough should not return to
its initial shape).
Roll out the dough, as thinly as possible, and
cut out disks using a cutter or a glass (I used a 7cm cutter and got 20 disks).
Bake them in the preheated oven, on baking parchment, at 160°C, for 12 minutes.
After cooling, the disks will be put one on top
of the other (I made towers of 5 disks each), with dulce de leche in-between.
In the end, decorate each tower with
Italian meringue. How to make it?
Beat the egg white stiff.
Meanwhile, leave the water and the
sugar on low heat. When the sugar dissolves, increase the heat and stop
stirring. After approximately 5 minutes, pour the syrup over the egg white and
add a drop of vanilla extract. Mix carefully, pour into a decorating pouch and decorate
each Rogel. If you wish, use a kitchen torch to give a touch of colour to your
mini-cakes. J
Gracias, mi Nu – te quiero mucho ♥