On Ciuchi’s second anniversary in our home, we disregarded the part of the detox connected to all types of nuts (yes, the detox was difficult!) and baked her a fine dessert (there were still strawberries available; we had strawberries until December anyway!). She runs the entire house, so she deserves everything! ♥
Use and shape as follows—
🥄 The shells
1 & ½ tbsp of psyllium seeds -> 5’ in hot water
60g gluten-free oatmeal
30g tapioca flour
a pinch of sea salt
30g Cajoont
1 tbsp of apple vinegar
Knead • Divide into 6 tartlet moulds • Cover with baking parchment • Place baking beads above • Bake for 25’ at 170°C
🥄 The filling
1 x Caju Fresh from NoMoMoo (the star ingredient)
4 tbsp of maple syrup
an organic lemon’s zest
🍓 Decorate with strawberry slices
May you live long, Ciuchi! ♥